I’m Back

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged. I wonder if anyone has missed me. Oh,well… no matter, I’m back now. I hope with the purchase of an iPad2 and the WordPress app, I’ll be more inclined to blog.

I want to keep my posts professional. If you’ve followed me on Facebook, you probably have a clue that I haven’t been exactly well in the past year or so. Anxiety and depression related to many personal issues have had a profound impact on my life. Consequently, I’ve appeared somewhat unbalanced and at times hysterical. I apologize for alarming my friends and family. I’ll spare you the details but hope you all know how much I appreciate the concern and support I’ve received. My hope is that by being open about my mental illness, I’ve done my part (albeit a small part) to eliminate some of the stigma mental illness still carries.

Now on to the fun stuff… I had initially resisted the temptation of jumping into the iPad hype because I already had an iPhone and loved it. I figured the iPad was just a super-sized version of the iPhone. And when the iPhone4 came out–you guessed it–I had to upgrade. There are several features that make my life better because I could consolidate my calendar, Safeway and Freddy’s cards, all my contacts, games, email, Facebook and Twitter, the web, lists, a camera, etc., etc., not to mention my phone, into a portable marvel of electronic genius.

After some investigation and analysis, I decided to go for the iPad. Yes, I stood in line on Friday afternoon hoping to get my hands on a shiny and sparkling new iPad2! Got to the Bridgeport Apple store about 2:30-ish, knowing the coveted gadgets wouldn’t be unveiled until 5:00 PM.

Met some interesting and very nice people in line. The anticipation of the anxious customers fueled my own excitement. Luckily, we were in the group close enough to the front of the line to win the privilege of shopping and making a purchase. I couldn’t wait to get connected (I opted for the wi-fi only model) and experience the coolness factor. And cool it is! I’m so happy with my purchase.

Take the features of the iPhone and add so much functionality and ease of use plus so many cool apps and you’ve got the abbreviated definition of the iPad. In a word, it’s awesome. I’d like to recommend some of my favorite apps so stay tuned. In my next post, I’ll review my favorite features and apps.

2 Responses

  1. So glad to see your post Denise. Hope things continue to get better for you. I have been thinking about the iPad but am not sure if I need it. Have iPhone and netbook so still just thinking about it. I’m anxious to hear more about yours and your favorite apps.

  2. When I got menopause at 33 I needed anti-D’s. I tried different kinds but they all made suicidal, which I wasn’t before. Also, they made me feel “way better” but I never wanted to leave my house. I decided they made me feel even weirder than I did naturally and at least I am used to that kind of weird. Does that make sense? Xanax (and therapy) is what got me through. Let’s go vintage shopping…a little retail therapy? I live nearby and have references. (grin) 🙂

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