New Etsy listings

Stuff has been flying in my Etsy store, artful bliss, so I had to restock the shelves! Here’s a peek at the latest buys:

Borrowing from facebook notes…

I’ve been spending too much time on facebook lately… it is so addictive! Here are 35 odd facts about me that I am borrowing from facebook.

  1. Do you like bleu cheese? Yes
  2. Have you ever smoked? No, thank goodness I never picked up the nasty habit
  3. Do you own a gun? No… I know how to shoot but don’t feel the need to own a gun
  4. What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite? Pink lemonade
  5. What do you think of hot dogs? As long as they’re kosher I can deal
  6. Favorite Christmas movie? Elf
  7. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Ice cold Diet Coke
  8. Can you do push ups? Can I or do I?
  9. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? A PMC pendant I made
  10. Favorite hobby? Arts & Crafts
  11. Do you have A.D.D.? No, but anxiety and depression are a problem for me
  12. Do you wear glasses/contacts? Went to the eye doc today… picking up a new pair soon… they’re cute!
  13. Middle name? Ann
  14. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: 1. I’m ready for spring; 2. I wish it was Friday; 3. I should be doing something productive
  15. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Diet Coke (can or bottle), Diet Pepsi (fountain), water
  16. Current worry? My daughter
  17. Current hate right now? I try not to hate
  18. Favorite place to be? At the beach on a warm, sunny day
  19. How did you bring in the new year? Watching the count down on TV
  20. Where would you like to go? On a cruise
  21. Do you own slippers? No, but I should… my feet are always cold
  22. What color shirt are you wearing? Brown
  23. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? No, I like to be warm and prefer flannel
  24. Can you whistle? Yes, I could whistle before I could talk!
  25. Where are you now? At home
  26. Would you be a pirate? Who wrote this thing? Um, no
  27. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don’t sing in the shower, do you?
  28. Favorite Girl’s Name? Amber Nicole
  29. Favorite boy’s name? Never had a favorite boy’s name because I only wanted a girl… what the hell was I thinking?
  30. What is in your pocket right now? About 74¢
  31. Last thing that made you laugh? My two-year-old grand-niece, Lilly, singing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” – She’s the CUTEST!
  32. What vehicle do you drive? Honda Accord but can’t wait to fire up my scooter this spring
  33. Worst injury you’ve ever had? Four stitches across my eyelid
  34. Do you love where you live? I love my house but not my neighborhood
  35. How many TVs do you have in your house? Two

Polymer workshop

On Saturday, I attended a wonderful polymer workshop hosted by the most gracious Allegra in her most beautiful home and instructed by the most talented Laurel. The class was wonderful. The company was exceptional. The food (croissants & preserves, crab and asparagus quiche, and chocolate cake) was amazing. My finished pieces are not the greatest but I am thrilled with what I learned. I know I will apply the techniques to metal clay and am so excited to tear open the PMC I got in the mail last week. Thank you to Allegra, Laurel, Darlene, Judy, and Eunice for making the day such a fun and special time.

Here is peek at my work…

Winners announced

Just an update… I have to run but will announce the winners of One World One Heart later.

Stay tuned!

Here are the two winners of my giveaway!

Chris Peden of Evidence of an Artistic Life will receive one vintage German doll torso, one frozen Charlotte doll, and five antique medicine tin lids.

Deirdre of  Riley Coyote Creations will receive a charm similar to this:

I will be sending them both an email message notifying them they have won.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the contest! It was a lot of fun.